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《At the Supermarket》Shopping in the City PPT课件

《At the Supermarket》Shopping in the City PPT课件《At the Supermarket》Shopping in the City PPT课件《At the Supermarket》Shopping in the City PPT课件

《At the Supermarket》Shopping in the City PPT课件


知识点 1

tomato /tə'mɑːtəʊ/ n. (名词)西红柿

例句:I want to buy some tomatoes.



短语:tomato salad 西红柿沙拉

tomato soup 番茄汤

知识点 2

potato  /pə'teɪtəʊ/ n. (名词)马铃薯;土豆

例句:I like eating potatoes.我喜欢吃土豆。


短语:a small potato小人物 potato chips薯片


知识点 3

candy /'kændi/ n. (名词)糖果

例句:The children like candy very much.


加法记忆法:can(金属罐)+ dy= candy

... ... ...

2. At the supermarket

Mrs. Smith: Hi, kids! Let’s buy some vegetables.

Jenny: Great!

Danny: Okay!

Jenny: I like tomatoes.

Danny: I like potatoes.

Danny: Mrs. Smith, I like candy, too.

Mrs. Smith: Danny, candy isn’t good for 

your teeth.

Mrs. Smith: How about some fruit?

Danny: Okay.

Jenny: Danny, don’t use that bag. 

We have our shopping bag.

Danny: Okay.

Mrs. Smith: You are good kids.

... ... ...

At the SupermarketPPT,第二部分内容:当堂检测


1. I like ________.

A. tomatoes B. tomatosC. tomato

点拨:I like...用来表达自己的喜好。如果所喜欢的事物是可数名词,这一类事物就用可数名词的复数形式;tomato的复数形式是tomatoes。故选A项。

2. Let’s ________ some candy.

A. buy B. to buy  C. buying

3. I want to buy some ________.

A. Potato B. potatos C. potatoes


4. I want to go to Hainan.________

A. How are you?

B. How about you?

C. How old are you?

5. Hamburgers are ________for us. Don’t buy hamburgers.

A. good  B. not good  C. not bad

6. ________ read in the sun.

A. Don’t  B. Not  C. No

... ... ...

At the SupermarketPPT,第三部分内容:课堂小结


重点词汇:Tomato, potato, candy, bag, about, use

重点句式:I like tomatoes.

Candy isn’t good for teeth.

How about some fruit?

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