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《Intemational charities》Integrated skillsPPT

《Intemational charities》Integrated skillsPPT《Intemational charities》Integrated skillsPPT《Intemational charities》Integrated skillsPPT

《Intemational charities》Integrated skillsPPT

第一部分内容:Check the preview


1.为… 提供…  provide … for …

2.做些义工  do some voluntary work

3.联合国  the United Nations

4.成立于1946年 be set up in 1946

5.因为战争 because of the war

6.欧洲战争之后 after the war in Europe

7.为了…  so that …

8.代替工作  instead of working

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《Intemational charities》PPT,第二部分内容:Let's play a guessing game.

Mrs Black was blind at the age of sixty. Now ten years past, she still can't see anything because she is very poor and has no enough money to go to hospital.

Some restaurants sell dishes made in rare animals. The animals are protected by laws(法律).

Mr Jone is out of work now. The factory he has worked in bankrupted(破产) last month. He and his workmates lost their jobs and they have less and less money to support their families.

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《Intemational charities》PPT,第三部分内容:Speak up

What’s the matter with the boy?

He has got toothache.

What can the boy do with it?

He can take the medicine after meals three times a day.

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《Intemational charities》PPT,第四部分内容:Discussion

If you are an editor of Charities Around the World, what do you want to say to people and ask them to do something for charity.

The world needs love.

UNICEF needs everyone’s help.

Donate your love to the people in need.

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《Intemational charities》PPT,第五部分内容:Homework 

1. Go over the content in this lesson.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

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