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《He ran very fast》PPT课件

《He ran very fast》PPT课件《He ran very fast》PPT课件

《He ran very fast》PPT课件

Let's chant 

1,2,3,4, let’s  play basketball. 

2,2,3,4, let’s jump jump high.

1,2,3,4, let’s swim swim fast. 

2,2,3,4, let’s  run  run fast.

What did Amy’s grandpa do well in the past?

ran fast

jumped high

swam fast

(swim 的过去式)

... ... ...

What is it?

It is small.

It can climb the wall(墙).

It has eight legs.

Listen then  answer:

Q:Can the spider play football/basketball?

Q:What can it do best of all? 

It can climb up any wall.

... ... ...


Do a survery about "what did they do well in the past and what do they do well now?"

关键词:《He ran very fast》教学课件,外研版三起点五年级上册英语课件,五年级英语幻灯片课件下载,《He ran very fast》PPT课件下载,.ppt格式

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《He ran very fast》PPT课件2:

《He ran very fast》PPT课件2 Can he ? run fast Can they ? jump high Can she ? swim fast One student do some actions and the other student guess the actions . In the past ..



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